The Importance of Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Engineers: How AI Empowers the Engineering Workflow

Marco Sanguineti
5 min readFeb 9, 2022
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Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more important in our lives. AI can change the way we live and work for the better. For industrial engineers, AI can play a huge role in empowering their workflow. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of AI for industrial engineers and how they can leverage it to improve their work. We will also discuss some of the benefits that AI can bring to the engineering field.

AI Benefits for the engineering life

One of the most important benefits that AI can bring to industrial engineers is increased efficiency. AI can help industrial engineers become more efficient by automating certain tasks and processes. For example, AI can be used to automate the design process, which can save time and money. AI can also be used to automate manufacturing processes, which can improve quality and reduce waste.

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AI can also help industrial engineers become more productive. AI can help them optimize their workflows and make better use of their time. AI can also help them find and fix problems faster, which can speed up production times. In addition, AI-enabled analytics tools can provide insights into how factories are performing, allowing industrial engineers to make changes quickly and efficiently.

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I find it particularly exciting that no great programming skills are required to bring artificial intelligence into our workflow. A growing number of excellent no-coding tools are available. For this reason, AI is quickly becoming accessible and explainable to everyone.

AI can help us make better decisions in our engineering processes: AI-enabled tools can analyze large amounts of data and find patterns that humans cannot see.

AI is also able to determine which variables have the biggest impact on process outcomes, resulting in more efficient decision-making for engineers.

AI can help industrial engineers design better products by analyzing customer preferences and trends across industries.

With AI, industrial designers will be able to create products that customers want faster than ever before — which could mean an even greater competitive advantage for your company.

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Another really surprising aspect is the speed of technological development in the field of AI for classical engineering applications. It can provide immediate support in many engineering tasks and thus significantly increase productivity.

AI can already be profitably used today, in addition to classical methods of product development or production optimization.

If you’re an industrial engineer who wants to learn more about AI and how it will impact your company, I highly recommend checking out this article from MIT Technology Review that explains why AI will change almost every aspect of business: “How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Industries”.

The basics of AI should be brought into all science universities, as a base of the future way of working. In this way, AI will not only help with industrial processes but also with research and product development.

In addition, machine learning can be used for the predictive maintenance of machines and factories. For example, if you have a large number of machines that are all producing slightly different products, it can be difficult to quickly determine which one is malfunctioning or needs adjustment. However, if you have access to data from past production runs (including sensor readings), you can use machine learning algorithms to automatically detect patterns indicating when a particular machine is about to fail.

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One aspect I love to highlight is the ability to leverage the data we produce every day during product design. AI is an opportunity to use the data we generate in engineering and manufacturing at scale. AI can help engineers make better decisions faster by analyzing large amounts of data, which can then be used to predict future outcomes more accurately than current models allow for.

Deep learning algorithms give us advantages in product design when it comes to testing our designs for manufacturability, cost-effectiveness, and other metrics that are difficult if not impossible with traditional methods of analysis.

AI allows you to quickly identify patterns from past production runs so that new products can be designed with these insights in mind.

AI also helps companies increase their productivity by reducing human error rates while increasing efficiency through automation processes like Machine Learning (ML) algorithms or deep reinforcement learning (DRL).

Have you ever wondered if some of your work could be optimized or automated? If so, then AI is something you should be looking into.

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There are many reasons why industrial engineers should acquaint themselves with AI technology. Here are a few key benefits:

- Increased Productivity: As mentioned earlier, AI can automate routine tasks and processes, freeing up time for workers to focus on more complex tasks. This increased efficiency often leads to greater productivity overall.

- Design Improvements: With the help of AI, designers can quickly identify the key features of your product or workflow, highlighting correlations that are not explicitly apparent to humans. AI can also help speed up the design process by automatically generating multiple potential solutions to a problem.

- Greater Efficiency: AI is more efficient than humans in terms of both time and resources. For example, an AI system may be able to analyze large data sets in minutes that would take human hours or days to examine.

Overall, AI is proving itself as an invaluable tool for industrial engineers. By understanding its capabilities and how it can be integrated into your workflow, you can dramatically improve your productivity and efficiency. So don’t wait any longer — learn about AI today!


Given all these topics, it’s clear that AI will be one of the most important technologies in the coming years. It has the potential to completely revolutionize how we do our work and help us create a better world!

Until Next

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Marco Sanguineti

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering, I work in the world of AI, Deep Learning and Software Development. Passionate about Technology, Videogames and AI.